Goodbye Procrastination: 1! Tiny Challenge Per Day

Mike Ying
2 min readMar 18, 2022

“If you have more than three priorities, you don’t have any.” — Jim Collins

Let’s go further with Gary Keller’s The ONE Thing concept.

“If you have more than one main priority, you don’t have any.”

Let’s go further with BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits concept.

“If you have more than one tiny habit priority, you don’t have any.”

Let’s go further with the combination of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s Flow concept and the concept of deliberate practice.

Flow happens when you challenge yourself a little but not too much.

The best way to practice is to stay just a little outside your comfort zone.

Then let’s add my own analogy:

I think about motivation as waves you can ride.

Some years I was more motivated about weight loss…

Some months I was more motivated about entrepreneurship…

Some days I was more motivated about dancing tango…

I think about life as different periods of time with different main motivations.

I think about my days like that too. Each day can have different priorities and different motivations.

I love daily goals because they don’t feel too long-term nor short-term.

Ready to combine every concept I talked about so far?

Introducing the concept of: 1! tiny challenge per day.

(1! comes from my math classes, it means one and only one, not more, not less.)

What’s your ONE Thing today?

Are you motivated by it? Is it challenging enough? Is it tiny and easy enough?

It is okay to have huge audacious goals but what’s the one tiny domino that will knock down all the other big dominos today?

If you are motivated, the challenge is tiny, and you plan a place and time to take action, you literally cannot fail.

Do this and say goodbye to procrastination forever.

Then enjoy the compounding interest from leveling up every day with deliberate practice.

“Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world.” — Albert Einstein



Mike Ying

🌊 Minimize Effort, Maximize Happiness ✍️ Daily: Psychology x Spirituality x Productivity for those that want more out of life