Dr. John Demartini’s Secret to Stop Procrastinating: Stop Lying to Yourself

Mike Ying
Apr 14, 2022

“Procrastination is just a feedback system to let you know that you’re pursuing something that’s not important to you.”

3 steps to stop procrastinating:

Step 1: Determine your highest value

• What’s the most important thing to you?

• What do you spend the most time and energy on?

• What are you thinking about all day?

• What energizes you but not other people?

• What could you do all day every day?

Step 2: Link everything you do to your highest value

• How does making money help with your highest value?

• How do your relationships help with your highest value?

• How do your health goals help with your highest value?

Everything benefits your highest value in some way.

Step 3: Delegate the rest

Eliminate, delegate, automate.



Mike Ying

🌊 Minimize Effort, Maximize Happiness ✍️ Daily: Psychology x Spirituality x Productivity for those that want more out of life