17 Personal Takeaways From My Top 17 Books: 17 Insane Mindset Shifts After Reading 191 Non-Fiction Books

Mike Ying
2 min readMar 29, 2022

In chronological reading order:

Seth Godin — The Dip:

Motivation is not linear. Quit if you can’t be the best.

MJ DeMarco — The Millionaire Fastlane:

There is another, faster way to make money. Help millions and you’ll make millions.

Eckhart Tolle — The Power of Now:

The present moment is all there is and your life will feel freaking great if you accept it.

Maxwell Maltz — Psycho-Cybernetics:

“… the human nervous system cannot tell the difference between an actual experience and an experience imagined vividly and in detail.”

Daniel Coyle — The Talent Code:

Talent is overrated. Deliberate practice is king.

George S. Clason — The Richest Man in Babylon:

Save 10% of your income and you’ll be rich.

Eric Jongerson — The Almanack of Naval Ravikant:

Happiness is a choice.

Grant Cardone — The 10X Rule:

Big goals give you more excitement and more rewards for the same effort.

Gary Chapman — The 5 Love Languages:

Speak your target audience’s love language and you’ll be loved.

Russell Brunson — Expert Secrets:

Being an expert is not a destination, it’s a way of life.

Dan Sullivan — The Gap And The Gain:

Measure your progress and not your problems, then you’ll be happy.

BJ Fogg — Tiny Habits:

Motivation matters.

Evan Carmichael — Your One Word:

Associating your identity with one word gives you insane clarity.

Cal Newport — So Good They Can’t Ignore You:

Don’t do what you love, don’t work hard, improve your skills. If you have the skills, you can do anything.

John Demartini — The Values Factor:

If you do something aligned with your highest value, you will never get tired, never burn out, and never deplete your willpower.

John Demartini — Breakthrough Experience:

Positivity is BS. Balance, harmony, and wholeness are what matter. Gratitude, appreciation, and love are the highest emotions.

Sam Walton — Made in America:

If you focus on cutting your costs to give the best prices to your customer, you will probably win.



Mike Ying

🌊 Minimize Effort, Maximize Happiness ✍️ Daily: Psychology x Spirituality x Productivity for those that want more out of life