10X Goals VS Tiny Habits: How to Set Goals to Eliminate Procrastination & Achieve Your Highest Dreams

Mike Ying
2 min readMar 24, 2022

The 10X Rule and Tiny Habits suck…

if you don’t combine them.

If you haven’t read The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone & Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg, stop reading this post because I didn’t write it for you. Come back when you finished reading these 2 books.

Finished reading?


In 2020, I was so confused about setting big goals vs setting realistic goals.

Then I read The 10X Rule and I got convinced about setting big goals.

So after finishing the book, I set HUGE goals!

… And I procrastinated all day every day.

Why the hell is it not working?

Why can’t I take 10X actions?

Then in June 2021, I read Tiny Habits.

Aha, motivation was the missing piece of the puzzle.

But how can I combine 10X Goals with Tiny Habits?

I couldn’t figure this out for a long time.

So I kept procrastinating, doing a few tiny habits that didn’t give any results, and setting 10X Goals I couldn’t reach.

Then in November 2021, I joined a high performance coaching program where Lea Bochtler taught me about this life-changing concept of non-negotiables.

I needed to do this one non-negotiable every day no matter what.

The non-negotiable needs to be challenging and needs to get me closer to my goals.

Once you do this one thing every day for 21 days, you can add one more non-negotiable or increase the difficulty.

I would like to tell you that I became a productive machine but no, I’m still unproductive and lazy.

I did eliminate procrastination though.

Here’s how:

  • I set a 10X vision and 10X long-term goals that make me excited about life and give me a sense of direction.
  • 10X thinking shatter my limiting beliefs and expand my mind about the infinite possibilities.
  • I set up 1! challenge per day with only that as my priority for the day. Accomplishing that challenge 99% of the time gives me huge progress and huge momentum in the long-term.
  • I have 10X short-term goals but I don’t mind if I don’t accomplish them. As long as I do my daily challenges, I already have great progress and I’m not procrastinating.
  • I build habits over time and I measure my gains with The Gap and The Gain concept by Dan Sullivan.

Something is better than nothing.

Starting is easier than you think.

The compound effect is bigger than you think.

You can make huge progress over time, just not in one day.



Mike Ying

🌊 Minimize Effort, Maximize Happiness ✍️ Daily: Psychology x Spirituality x Productivity for those that want more out of life